Message From the Editor

Over the years, I’ve started several businesses, some of which provided a living for my family and some that didn’t. In fact, I’m currently in the process of starting several more businesses, following a loss of some of my income around the beginning of the pandemic.

Although I don’t have the types of tools and the teams I had at my other magazine positions, today’s technology enables me to do many of the things that need to be done on my own with free or inexpensive tools (software, apps, equipment, etc.).

This is one of the greatest times in history to start an organization or business with relatively low startup costs—if, of course, you can contribute the needed sweat equity to get it off the ground.

In this publication, we’ll mainly be focusing on the kinds of organizations and businesses that don’t require the exorbitant startup expenses of the past, such as a large office, warehouse or storefront; high-cost utilities; expensive software and apps; and large staffs.

Many great organizations and businesses can be started today without those costs, making it one of the best times to take the leap.

And, if I’m right, many people want to jump. They are tired of making fortunes for their employers. It just doesn’t seem fair. And they want more freedom and flexibility. I know I do.

I understand. For sure. I felt that way when I left my former long-term position with a national nonprofit organization. As a result, I’ve put this magazine together to help inspire you and show you what I and others have learned that may help you get started or grow. If you plan to start a business or organization or have already done so, be sure to read Founders 411X for lots of information, important tips, advice and encouragement.

– Rick Bowers, Editor
